

Before calling the content API's ensure that

A simple endpoint allowing you available content publishers (or data sources) to be listed, with details retained for those publishers. This is useful for querying and filtering the Content API

Returns Publisher (available content sources) that are enabled on your api key.


The endpoint is called with a simple POST call to the url with a body like the following:

	"apikey": <your api key>

This returns a list of available data sources, containing the following

    "publisher": "Benzinga Inc",
    "publisherid": "6299a0723d954934980299568664f74a",
    "owner": "Benzinga Inc",
    "contenttype": "Story",
    "datasetname": "Benzinga News",
    "contenttypeid": "daa7632ac81a4cb5a96f4bcee228e527"

Where the publisherId is the internal guid for the data source and contenttypeid is the guid for a particular dataset provided by that publisher. Both can be fed into filters for querying the Content API.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!